What Are Some Common Mistakes Homeowners Make When Attempting A DIY (do it yourself) Remodel?

What are some common mistakes homeowners make when attempting a DIY (do it yourself) remodel?


Most Do-It-Yourselfers underestimate the complexity of any given remodeling project. When budgeting, they mistakenly undercut the budget by at least 40% and give it the wrong time frame to complete due to the lack of experience and knowledge. When the budget is less than ideal, the chances of mistakes are great. common mistakes are homeowners hiring a handyman that is inexperienced and will cause operational mistakes like ordering too much or too little and slowing down the process of not doing the work per code. Just like you will not have a nurse do surgery, you can not have a handyman do a license contractor job. At this point, homeowners might give up and try looking for a licensed contractor to take over. Many contractors would rather take on a new project then take over a badly budgeted and underprepared project. If you cannot find a contractor that is willing to work within your budget, chances are you are stuck doing the work yourself. That could take months and even years to complete. Imagine having your family living in a home you are DIY. It could be a nightmare all on its own. Our best advice is to do what you are good at and love. Let us take care of the remodeling/construction project.