Remodel in David Partiel’s Housing Market

In 2008…

That’s the year David Partiel expanded his home remodeling firm. Through the market’s leanest years he more than doubled the size of his business with the belief that those who invest in their homes gain from it.

At the time it was hard for people to see the value of remodeling through the housing crises. The monetary value of their properties dropped to unseen lows and the last place they wanted to entrust their investments was in their homes.

Those remodeled, invested deeply, were rewarded. Let me illustrate.

This is the housing cycle built on highs and lows. Find Los Angeles and notice we’ve come through Phase 5, Phase 1, and now are in Phase 2 of low construction cost paired with rising sales prices.

Completely without the risk of Phase 5 downturn, David Partiel knows there is no better time than now to remodel.

Remodel for Yourself

For David Partiel, remodeling is an act of respect for your home.

Plenty of homeowners do themselves a disservice in buying a home they don’t love for the sake of frugality. What these homeowners don’t understand is that if you live in a home that you don’t respect, you will move. All that money spent on buying a home you settled for is wasted on retracting the decision to live in it.

Loving where you live and the home you live in can bring joy to your life. Imagine your dream home and let David help you build it with cost saving methods and experienced remodeling contractor’s.

The added benefit of this basic respect is that it’s contagious. By remodeling your home for yourself and your needs, you are only investing in a project that will pay for itself in the future. Now is the opportunity for homeowners to profit by remodeling and selling at a premium.

This is a Market Made for Homeowners

Home remodeling has seen an 8% increase since last year and David Partiel knows why. After the housing crisis, new construction shrunk and never quite came back. All this means is that you’re in a time with limited supply and incredible demand on your side.

Remodel your home with the understanding that the market is flooded with new potential buyers looking for homes just like yours. As more and more people move to California, the more our home values increase.

You have the luxury of building a home the way you want it, live in it, and have the ability to sell it in a market where people go into a bidding war with each other just to own a piece of California.

David’s Answer To Your Vision

David Partiel has helped hundreds of homeowners accomplish their home remodeling projects and here is his advice on getting started.

David Partiel recommends taking the time to truly understand what you will want out of your home, both in functionality and appearance. You want a home that fits your lifestyle, whether it is a home with a swimming pool or an additional bedroom for a new family member. Plan for the next five years and build accordingly.

Start by repairing your home if your home needs repairs. Getting rid of the little nuisances shows you how small repairs can go a long way. When you see that, the concept of remodeling your home becomes much easier to understand. Not only that, but repairs are some of the biggest boosts to your home’s value.

Refinancing your home can help you pull thousands of dollars and put it into something that can make you happy. Your homes value is ever increasing in this market and making use of that value is a part of maximizing your investment. Equity spent on remodeling only appreciates value. Homeowners can spend it on remodeling, room additions or the latest trend in remodeling; Garage Conversion.

David Partiel has helped hundreds of homeowners accomplish their home remodeling projects and the time to build is now. Take on your vision. It’s worth it.


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